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Ryanair Future Flyer Programme

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ryanair cadet program

The new Future Flyer Academy in Ryanair offers a great opportunity for aspirant pilots. It provides training and pilot development that is personal at different stages of the aviation career. This innovative program transforms aviation enthusiasts into skillful second officers at Ryanair, using top-flight training academies across Europe. Over the next four years, Ryanair is set to train over 400 recruits to become its pilots via the academy.

Here's more about the three different types of training routes available at the Ryanair Future Flyer Academy:

  • Integrated Ab-initio – This is for complete begginners. It is a full-time, intensive course lasting between 18-24 months.
  • Gateway 1 – This route of training, modular and flexible, is for individuals who are already in possession of a PPL license, have 100 hours as pilot-in-command, and have taken the theoretical ATPL exams. It is very suitable for people who want to fit into other things.
  • Gateway 2 – Advanced pilot skills training course for pilots who possess a CPL with ME/IR and have completed ATPL theory.

All students at the commencement of ab initio and Gateway 1 are given a job offer conditional upon them completing the training and obtaining eligibility for a bonded Boeing 737 type rating with no upfront cost.

Neal McMahon, Ryanair's Chief Operations Officer, said that the academy was something he was very excited about since this will provide the way for many careers in aviation. To this, he added the fact that with the help of their initiative with the Atlantic Flight Training Academy in Ireland, the new academy will work to make sure that hundreds of soon-to-be commercial pilots are going to receive an unmatched pilot career opportunity.

He urges the new Ryanair recruits to analyze what this new Future Flyer Academy from Ryanair can offer while looking at the cost and terms of engagement in fine detail. As with any professional severe venture, careful research and deliberation must be entered into.

Further details and directions of how you can kick-start your pilot career can be found on Ryanair Careers' page, Ryanair Future Flyer Academy, where all resources will be availed. There, you will find everything needed to get off the ground into a career in the skies with one of the most reputable airlines in Europe.

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Buenos días,

Estoy interesado en vuestro programa de formación para pilotos. Quería preguntaros si ofrecéis programa de cadetes.

He visto que algunas escuelas o programas de aerolíneas ofrecen algo parecido, y quería saber si vosotros tenéis algo similar o alguna alternativa parecida.

Gracias de antemano por vuestra ayuda. Quedo a la espera de vuestra respuesta.

Un saludo,

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